Well the 2 week resolutions didn't last too long, but I have made some progress on other projects. After a wonderful PR weekend I was inspired to start sewing a bit more and picked up this Jalie pattern (2921). The demo that Jalie did at the weekend was great! I had some fabric in my stash that I picked up in New York last year, and thought it had marinated long enough in the cupboard and it was time to give sewing knits again.
I noticed that Deepika had used this same fabric sometime last year to make up a top and had mentioned the problem of bullseyes due to the circles. I kept this in mind when selecting the top and fabric choice and thought well I won't make that same mistake and carried on. I only had 1 yard of fabric so I just made sure that no circles were in the bust area and started cutting hoping for the best. It was only when I finished the shirt and went looking though old blog posts did I realized that I had also picked the same pattern. If I had realized that in advance I might have been saved the trouble.
Let me just say I would trade for circles on the boobs versus what I ended up with. I really should have cut everything single layer and perhaps I would have avoided this problem. The shortage of fabric prevented any pattern matching, but I thought random squigly lines would be fine... If only!
Here's a pic...
Why wearing the shirt with the bow model is not an option : Though I'm not happy with the owl's eyes above the bust, it might be possible to wear it with the buckle. Must go and pick one up. (Excuse the bad photo, it's a bit hot in the house at the moment) On the positive side, I'm really happy with the fit and shape of the pattern. It went together really well. I love Jalie! I just wish I would pay more attention to things like this. Next time I do this pattern it'll definitly be with a solid and not a print. I've learnt me lesson on shirts with a centre front seam! I've also developed a bit more confidence for sewing with knits and rayon jersey in particular. I just love this fabric. It is so soft and confortable. I need to finally make up the hotpatterns wrap dress I bought ages ago! I just hope that I'll have better luck with pattern choice! I'm learning slowly I swear!
I have quite a few other finished projects or ones that are nearly done that I really must write about, if nothing else it keeps a nice log for me.
A Fall Hope
5 days ago