Well, the socks I've been making from the yarn Kesley gave me (Sweet Georgia Yarn from BC) need new toes. I'm not happy with how they have been turning out! One it too short and the other much too long. Time to face reality and start ripping. I've also determined that I have enough wool to finish them up in the same colour so that is what I'm going to do!
Kelsey, my yarn dealer, brought me some more Sweet Georgia yarn, (That stuff is addictive) and the bad news that the woman who makes this gorgeous stuff is going on a trip, and the business is going on hiatis! So sad! I decided to use it to make a baby sweater. No, I'm not expecting, but perhaps in a couple of years, I just thought this colour would make the cutest sweater. I'm just not sure that I'm going to have enough. I did over a page of math calculations, and it looked promising and that I shoould have 50 yards left over, but I don't know how well I trust myself to figure that out. Do I just keep going till I run out and hope for the best? If it doesn't work, I'll rip it out and make the coolest socks ever!
This is the left front side of Debbie Bliss' Ribbon edged cardigan, and the start of the back. Any bets on if I'll make it? I had 400 yards to start with. I'll have to find the lable again to give more details.
Only one more week till I'm off on my honeymoon! Brazil baby!